
Cleaner Air, Naturally

Through needlepoint bipolar ionization or NPBI technology, we deliver our residents clean indoor air — producing neither ozone or other harmful byproducts.

Pollutants, dust, dander, pollen, smoke and even pathogens such as mold, viruses and bacteria all can be suspended in the air we breathe, even when you don’t see them.

GPS NPBI Technology is bipolar ionization technology that safely creates and releases ions into the airstream using your existing HVAC system as the delivery method. When these ions disperse throughout a space, they seek out and form bonds with particles in the air through a process called agglomeration. This creates a snowball effect in which particles begin to cluster together. The larger a cluster of particles becomes, the easier it is for your system to safely filter it out of the air. This process is proven by independent laboratory testing to be both safe and effective.

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Proven Technology to Fight Pathogens

Contact with positive and negative ions has microbicidal effects on pathogens, which ultimately disrupts their surface proteins and renders them inactive.

*Independent laboratory studies have shown our NPBI technology limits the spread of viruses.